What Is My Job Depends On Ag And Why Should You Care?

What Is My Job Depends On Ag And Why Should You Care?

If you’ve seen a decal, t-shirt, or license plate that reads “My Job Depends On Ag”, then you might be wondering what it means. What’s the purpose of this design and why should you care about it?

What Is My Job Depends On Ag?

First things first, “My Job Depends On Ag” isn’t just a symbol or a design … it’s a movement. It’s a hub where people can share personal stories that detail how their lives and their jobs are positively impacted by agriculture. It’s a place to educate, inform, and spread the goodness of agriculture. 

These stories are shared by many different types of people in many different types of roles. Sure, you still have your farmers and ranchers who have a direct link to agriculture, but then you also have teachers, painters, scientists, and more who also have a very important connection with agriculture. This connection shapes how they live their lives, and it allows them to continue to thrive. 

But it doesn’t stop there. Think about all the accountants, marketers, distributors, HR managers, and other professionals involved in the ag industry. These people all make a living and support their livelihood because of ag. And if you really want to dig even further, consider the everyday person who purchases fruits and veggies from the grocery store. Their jobs may not depend on ag, but their meals and their health rely heavily on ag.

The goals of “My Job Depends On Ag” are to educate consumers and politicians on the importance of agriculture, to spread awareness regarding how many people rely on agriculture, and then also to support and uplift the agricultural community (for example, with scholarships). 

How Can You Support My Job Depends On Ag?

The simplest way to support “My Job Depends On Ag“ is to check out their online site. However, if you feel moved to contribute more to the cause, you can always purchase one of their popular decals. 

Here at JSC Ag Supply, we love what “My Job Depends On Ag“ is all about, and we have a longstanding relationship with the movement. That’s why we’ve decided to carry their decals at all of our locations. You can stop by to purchase one or talk to one of our sales reps about getting one for yourself. All proceeds made from the sale of these decals are put back into ag-based scholarships, which means you’re supporting the next generation of ag. If you’re interested, give us a call at 661-616-6977. We’d love to hear from you.

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