Citrus Trellising

a gif showing the assembly of a tatura v-style trellis for citrus

Benefits Of the
tatura v-style citrus trellis

  • Heavy wall thickness and chemically stable steel alloy pipe provides extended service life against corrosion

  • Pipe base simplifies ground installation and alignment

  • Optional welded spade on pipe provides added lateral stability

  • The “V” trellis can be assembled at ground level with common fastening tools eliminating the need for ladders for safer and streamlined assembly

  • Improved serviceability for replacement of mechanically attached components that are prone to damage by farming equipment

  • Enables the possibility of future modifications such as a change in trellis geometry and/or replacement of upright stakes

  • Wire slots on upright stakes enable easy and fast wire installation, provides excellent wire retention, and eliminates the need for wire clips

Domestic Manufacturing

Our manufacturing facility allows us to provide customized solutions with a quick turnaround.

Trellising Solutions

Together, we can come up with a plan and make a trellising system that fits the needs of your crops.

Several Locations

We ship internationally and have several locations across California.

two men manufacturing metal stake posts for vineyards

In-House Manufacturing

Our unique manufacturing capabilities allow us to customize trellising materials, such as stakes and cross arms, according to each client’s needs. We’ve worked with hundreds of custom requests from growers. These requests have included everything from varying lengths and hole patterns to specific notches and hot-rolled or galvanized finishes. In addition, our research and development team is continuously developing prototypes for up-and-coming products, all designed to benefit the growing process.

Recommended Field Supplies for Citrus

Available at Jim's Supply

corona tools citrus and apple harvesting shear

Corona AG 5050 Shears

manzana nules blue clipper shear used for harvesting citrus and apples

Manzana Nules M14-AM Shears

picking bag with skirt used for harvest citrus fruits such as oranges, mandarins, and lemons

Fruit Picking Bag

canvas sleeves that go over your arms to protect you from branches while picking citrus fruits

Canvas Picking Sleeves