Cane-Pruning Technology
What is the Klima System?
The world leader in vineyard pruning mechanization.
Nigel George and Marcus Wickham, two prominent New Zealand viticulturists, founded KLIMA in 2008. KLIMA has created and perfected a highly effective vineyard pruning system, which consists of a revolutionary machine that attaches to a tractor/crawler and an extensive selection of highly effective trellis products. In 2011, the KLIMA pruning machine received the Gold Medal for innovation at the Sitevi Exhibition in Montpellier, France, as well as the Gold medal and overall reward for innovation at the Simei Exhibition in Milan, Italy. On tens of thousands of hectares around the world, the world's foremost grape growers use KLIMA pruning machines and trellis products. KLIMA products annually reduce vineyard labor costs by millions of dollars.
Vineyard Mechanization: What is it and how can you benefit?
Vineyard mechanization is rapidly displacing manual labor for both large and small vineyards. This is excellent news, as not only do we have a shortage of manual labor, but it is also expensive. When the cost of manual labor becomes prohibitively expensive or the supply falls too low, vineyard mechanization can take over.
The Cost Benefits of Vineyard Mechanization
Reduces Risk
Manual labor is not only tedious, but it can also be hazardous. When the human element is removed from certain vineyard processes, the risk of injury, tension, and strain is also eliminated.
Increases Efficiency
When tasks are automated, you can fret less about breaks, meals, working conditions, etc. With the proper routine maintenance, machines will perform the same tasks in a relatively consistent manner a large percentage of the time, resulting in increased productivity.
Improves Quality
Many vineyards acknowledge that mechanized processes can produce fruit of comparable or even superior quality. It can also regulate yields and enhance the microclimate of fruit zones.
Helping Grape Growers Do More With Less
We understand that growing and maintaining vineyards is hard work. With innovations entering the market, growers are taking advantage of new technological advancements that make work more profitable and enjoyable. The Klima is a highly resourceful pruning system that entails a tractor-mounted pruning machine and an extensive range of trellising products. The Klima benefits grape growers by allowing them to save on labor costs, and it is also proven to work with various grape varieties. The KLIMA machine is most commonly used for pruning wine grapes, but in this video, the KLIMA system is pruning table grapes. The KLIMA can be used with various crops and trellis systems.
To explore this concept further, check out “Machines Poised To Replace Vineyard Workers” — an interview with George Zhuang, a Viticulture Farm Advisor for the University of California’s Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Kaan Kurtural of UC Davis’ Department of Viticulture and Enology. During this interview, the two discuss the benefits of vineyard mechanization over the cost of doing the work by hand.
“The KLIMA Cane-Pruner has halved our stripping-out costs and given my staff and I time to concentrate purely on making the cuts. Our need for casual, unskilled labor is now minimal and with the cost savings, we can afford to pay a better rate to our workers. The flow-on effects of the KLIMA Cane-Pruner has given us much more control in the vineyard leading to better canopy management, increased yields, and improved quality. For those who are resistant to removing the fruiting-wire staples and replacing them with nails or clips, I can tell you that we recouped the cost of doing that in the first season.”
What To Use For Vineyard Mechanization
At Jim's Supply, we have developed custom trellis solutions, expanded our product line, and collaborated directly with machine manufacturers to provide mechanization solutions. Eco Trellis is one of these vineyard solutions; it is a trellis system comprised of components that are compatible with the Klima machine. The Klima enables cultivators to prune their vines mechanically, and Eco Trellis is a collection of products that facilitate the Klima's operation.
While Eco Trellis posts are designed for new plantings, the Eco Sleeves and Klima-compatible cross arms can be used to retrofit existing vineyards, depending on the stakes or posts that are already in place.
Growers, whether large or small, use the Klima machine, which allows them to reduce their pruning personnel by about 50%. As the exclusive distributor of Eco Trellis in the United States, we can assist you in getting started with the Klima, a revolutionary machine that can transform your vineyard for the better.
Testimonial from Jonathan Walters, Director of Vineyard Operations at Brassfield Estate Winery

Get Started With Vineyard
Mechanization Today
We want to help growers increase their efficiency. Through the KLIMA system and our trellis products, we can show you a safer, more cost-effective way to manage your vineyards. Jim’s Supply also provides KLIMA pruning services. Call us or email your local sales representative for more information.