3 Reasons We’re The Premier Manufacturer Of Trellising Solutions
We’re known as the premier manufacturer of steel trellising solutions. Sure, this has become our tagline over the last few decades, and if you’re in the ag industry, you’ve probably seen it around. But to us, it’s not just a tagline. We ARE the premier manufacturer of steel trellising materials nationwide, and here are three major reasons why.
What Is My Job Depends On Ag And Why Should You Care?
First things first, “My Job Depends On Ag” isn’t just a symbol or a design … it’s a movement. It’s a hub where people can share personal stories that detail how their lives and their jobs are positively impacted by agriculture. It’s a place to educate, inform, and spread the goodness of agriculture.
Vineyard Bird control: What It is, Why You Need It, And Where To Get It
As a grape grower, you need bird control for your vineyard. There is no other way around it. Without bird control for your vineyard, you’ll suffer some pretty hefty losses — in fact, bird damage is one of the most significant factors influencing the profit of vineyards. Let’s break down vineyard bird control a bit more.
Vineyard Mechanization: What Is It And How Can You Benefit?
For large and small vineyards alike, vineyard mechanization is quickly replacing manual labor. This is good news — not only are we experiencing a shortage of manual labor, but it’s expensive, too. Vineyard mechanization has the ability to take over when manual labor costs become too high or the supply becomes too low.